“Respect can help us to appreciate our true value and the value of each person. Once we understand the value of other people, we naturally treat them with empathy and love. Respecting our family and community members in this way creates the harmonious culture of One Family under God.”

Dr. Junsook Moon, Chairwoman of GPW International

As one half of the human population, women posses a very unique and valuable inner potential that, once unleashed, can create the greatest outcomes towards peace building. We see this in how we approach people from our new surroundings or when educating children and others.

However, this potential has often been looked down upon, suppressed, or mostly goes unrecognized by the very person who possesses this potential.

Global Peace Women seeks to uplift these values that live within women and help women around the world to recognize these endearing God-given gifts through inspiring confidence, self-respect and love. Once we as women can fully love and respect ourselves and our true potential, can we love and respect others fully and wholeheartedly as members of our extended global family.

Works to Uplift Women’s Value & Dignity

We seek to uplift women’s self-respect, confidence and love through the following programs:

Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs

Encouraging women and men to acknowledge women’s unique value they bring to families and communities, promoting respect and protection.


Uplifting Women Workshops

Encouraging women to acknowledge their innate value, build a sense of self-respect as the first step to love and respect others.


True Women Awards

Recognizing remarkable women leaders for their creative and unique contribution towards society.